Complete the contact form to arrange a consultation

Before you start our courses we conduct a short telephone assessment in order to establish your level (with reference to the Common European Framework). We discuss your needs and language objectives so that we can create a customised learning plan.

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Consultation is important so you enrol in the most appropriate course, at a suitable level. We can then recommend a realistic course duration to achieve your goals.

Class schedule

English classes are scheduled by appointment.

Classes are available between 10am and 10pm Monday to Friday, and 3pm-6pm on Saturday and Sunday

Supplementary Classes

Fast and efficient language assessment

Get certification from Cambridge ESOL to prove your proficiency in English.  The Altitude Business English course can lead to several types of English assessment but Cambridge BEC and BULATS are particularly suitable.


The Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) is designed to test the language of people who need to use a foreign language in their work, and for students and employees on language courses or on professional/business courses where foreign language ability is an important element of the course.

All assessment results conform to the Council of Europe Common European Framework for Modern Languages, BULATS is recognised by the Hong Kong SAR Government as a benchmark test of workplace English.

The service provides:

  • relevant, useful and reliable language tests in work contexts
  • test administration to suit the client company's individual requirements
  • rapid turnaround of test results
  • information to help the interpretation of test results
  • advice to companies on appropriate strategies for language testing, assessing language needs (language auditing) and training.


If you would like to read Frequently Asked Questions about BULATS please go here.  Feel free to ask any more questions about BEC and BULATS in the FAQ section too.